Wednesday, December 30, 2009

“Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet. And also, you're drunk."- Jack Handey

This quote is gold, appropriately I stumbled across this on a blog that gave a rather scathing review of the twilight series.
And also, Stephanie Myer, you're drunk

Sunday, December 20, 2009

down the rabbit hole


Saturday, December 5, 2009


Get on it


Lego+Star Wars+ Eddie Izzard
Pure Gold

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I've been back on my favourite blog of late. EnglishRussia
So as we know, the state controlled, or at least tried to control everything whether it be music, clothes, movies ect. So naturally, around the time that the Soviet Union ceased to exhist some people made up for lost time and adopted some pretty extraordinary looks.


I have been working way too much lately. There was a time when a triple shift seemed like a death sentence (to a certain extent it still does) however; with practice everything becomes normal (I’m sure I could find a relevant quote from someone more intelligent than I to put here but...fuck it).

Anyway, where was I at? Ah yes work, too much of it. I go teach kids how to swim in Ashfield, then go to Petersham pool and life guard then go and serve beer to the parents of the kids I teach at the Annandale (note: this has only happened two or three times, but discussing whether someone’s 4 month old child is ready for ‘learn to swim’ lessons over Body Jar and Coopers pale ale was interesting none the less).

Anyway, where am I up to now? Oh yes. Working. Too much. Winge. So with all this work, I have money, and with this little bit of extra money I have become way too much of an impulse buyer. But my latest impulse buy was a deffinantly a win. Mentos Blast Gum, it tastes really really fucking good. I was never so much a Hubba Bubba person because after ten minutes what was delicious grape flavour becomes disgusting out-of-flavour-gum/ babies-ass-flavour.

Anyway. Where was I at? Ah gum, yes Gum. So this shit is tasty, and comes with nice novelty packaging. Plus prior to yesterday last time I had this gum I spent the whole day listening to Radiohead, looking at clouds on a trampoline chewing this delicious processed goodness. So I guess it bring back good memories.

Anyway where was I at again? Oh yes. Go and by this shit.