when i grow up i'm going to live here
with a room like thisphotos from
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 12:36 AM 0 comments
the stabs
they're from melbourne
they're playing in sydney at the excelsior on the 23rd of april
they're fucking rad
think a little like a bit of birthday party, sonic youth, mudhoney plus a lot of origionality.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Get excited!
Toumani Diabaté’s Symmetric Orchestra
'A jubilant polyrhythmic party of percussion, electric guitars, and Diabaté’s 21-stringed instrument showering notes like a musical waterfall.’ - The Village Voice
Sydney festival is bringing us many many great things, however, with the description above and a tick price of FREE I think 'Toumani Diabaté’s Symmetric Orchestra' might be my very favourite. I mean- polyrhythmic party- a free polyrhythmic party - with musical waterfalls! what more can one want in life?
Diabaté will be joined by Vieux Farka Touré, and together will use a range of West african instruments such as kora, djembe, balafon and bolombatto alongside guitars and drums to blend rock, blues and reggae with Saharan rhythms to no doubt produce an impressive performance.
So be in the Domain on the 16th of Janurary for an 8pm start.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 5:33 AM 0 comments
there was this one time where i dressed up as jellyfish for a birthday party. I wish it looked like this.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
“Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet. And also, you're drunk."- Jack Handey
This quote is gold, appropriately I stumbled across this on a blog that gave a rather scathing review of the twilight series.
And also, Stephanie Myer, you're drunk
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Lego+Star Wars+ Eddie Izzard
Pure Gold
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 6:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I've been back on my favourite blog of late. EnglishRussia
So as we know, the state controlled, or at least tried to control everything whether it be music, clothes, movies ect. So naturally, around the time that the Soviet Union ceased to exhist some people made up for lost time and adopted some pretty extraordinary looks.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 11:28 PM 0 comments
I have been working way too much lately. There was a time when a triple shift seemed like a death sentence (to a certain extent it still does) however; with practice everything becomes normal (I’m sure I could find a relevant quote from someone more intelligent than I to put here but...fuck it).
Anyway, where was I at? Ah yes work, too much of it. I go teach kids how to swim in Ashfield, then go to Petersham pool and life guard then go and serve beer to the parents of the kids I teach at the Annandale (note: this has only happened two or three times, but discussing whether someone’s 4 month old child is ready for ‘learn to swim’ lessons over Body Jar and Coopers pale ale was interesting none the less).
Anyway, where am I up to now? Oh yes. Working. Too much. Winge. So with all this work, I have money, and with this little bit of extra money I have become way too much of an impulse buyer. But my latest impulse buy was a deffinantly a win. Mentos Blast Gum, it tastes really really fucking good. I was never so much a Hubba Bubba person because after ten minutes what was delicious grape flavour becomes disgusting out-of-flavour-gum/ babies-ass-flavour.
Anyway. Where was I at? Ah gum, yes Gum. So this shit is tasty, and comes with nice novelty packaging. Plus prior to yesterday last time I had this gum I spent the whole day listening to Radiohead, looking at clouds on a trampoline chewing this delicious processed goodness. So I guess it bring back good memories.
Anyway where was I at again? Oh yes. Go and by this shit.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: foodies
Saturday, November 28, 2009
i love this new facebook invention, namely because 'meow' is the biggest word, which means i have statused about meowing the most? i'm a cat?
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
Marrrickville Pork Roll
Anyone who knows me will know I love Vietnamese salad rolls. Through out my time living in the Inner West I have become somewhat a connaisseur of this delicious and tastey snacks, whether it be Broadway, Enmore, Ashfield or Newtown (I've tried them all) I can safely say that by far the best is 'Marrickville Porkroll'- dont be fooled by the sign, they serve not only pork rolls but chicken, tuna, bbq pork, meatball and my personal favourite, the humble salad roll. I honestly dont know how they make them so delicious, i was never a salad sandwhich person, maybe its the fresh corriader, soy sauce, chilli and a few other mysterious sauces that they add to it to make it so damn tastey. Oh and did I mention that they are only $2.50!...
100% WIN
You can find this hole in the wall store on the corner of Illawarra Road and Marrickville Road.It is not unusual to see a line of six or so people winding out of the shop.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: foodies
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
i wanted to overthrow the government but all i brought down was somebody's wife
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
These are photos taken from the times of the Soviet Union. Simple and beautiful. I found them and the drunken cycler via englishrussia.com
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 5:16 PM 0 comments
I miss reading the gossip about Moss and my favourite libertine/babyshambler/human syringe Pete Doherty. Hince you just don't compare.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 5:09 PM 0 comments
I have gone into a little bit of a Zeppelin phase, reliving all hours of my youth staying up late on Led Zeppelin forums. Yes I was one of those Zeppelin kids. Anyway, I know today has been really fucking hot. So it is hardly time to look to the knitted vest or jumper. But ask my friends, they know how much I appreciate a good oversized grandpa jumper, apparently jimmy page digs them too. Except he leans toward the other side of the spectrum. Undersized. I still want the Zoso jumper.
I've always loved this picture
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 3:09 AM 0 comments
It was about five years ago I first saw the Mess Hall live. I was a screaming fourteen year old doing some terrible terrible dancing in between being utterly blown away by the performance… and screaming some more. The set ended with my friend and I in a tug of war battle over one of their drumsticks. And I mean a real tug of war, two on two, sweaty kids fighting it out to the death on a grimy dance floor. It was a close call, neither side willing to give an inch. Well that was until I herd a yelp and the words ‘SHE FUCKING BIT ME SHE FUCKING BIT MY HAND’. The boys let go of the stick, and my friend and I were triumphant. I still have the drumstick. And I still have that friend who got me the drumstick by getting her Mike Tyson on. Yet as entertaining as that memory is, lets hope that my nineteen year old self won’t end up in a fight to the death at the Annandale this Wednesday.
This Wednesday the 25th of November The Mess Hall will be playing and the Annandale FOR FREE. Yes all you uni students out there (uni students who have finished their exams- no excuses) it is free and it is awesome and it is the Annandale’s gift to you, so be there! We have to make the most of these venues so they don’t close like the beloved Hopetoun!
Doors open at 7pm
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 3:06 AM 0 comments