The awesomeness of Vietnam and Cambodia via poor quality photos.
Itunes, imovie, ipod, itrip …
Now all you have to do is reconnect the black wire to the other black wire...

Whoever thought a penguin bin. Multifunctional. Useful and hilarious.
So the monkey proverb goes something along the lines of see no evil, speak no evil hear no evil but this monkey…
Sure it’s annoying when you forget to bring bags and you’re left with arms full of awkwardly balanced shopping, but creating some sort of grocery based tower crowned with a baby- whilst on a motorbike…well that’s an art form
There are buckets and buckets loads of reasons why NOT!
N.B A personal joke you may not get, however, don't fret we don't remember much of the night anyway
The spawn of tin tin, John Travolta and Michael Jackson (owww!)…and trees with faces?...
Wonderful fish massage- who needs pumice stones or pedicures when you have small fish to eat you dead skin… mmmmmmmmmm... skin
(Taken in Cambodian toilets) Who ever thought there were so many uses for a toilet! Be sure not to smoke, not to stand on the toilet, don’t clean your feet with the toilet brush (that’s the fishes job) and be sure not to shower in the toilet.
Where to start! I'm not sure whats worse, chicken soup with tits, or pears with tits?
After a long day of riding a bike, in a tuk tuk or in a Lexus. The heat and sweat gets to you. (or up you) in many different ways.
Got chicken?
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