I have been working way too much lately. There was a time when a triple shift seemed like a death sentence (to a certain extent it still does) however; with practice everything becomes normal (I’m sure I could find a relevant quote from someone more intelligent than I to put here but...fuck it).
Anyway, where was I at? Ah yes work, too much of it. I go teach kids how to swim in Ashfield, then go to Petersham pool and life guard then go and serve beer to the parents of the kids I teach at the Annandale (note: this has only happened two or three times, but discussing whether someone’s 4 month old child is ready for ‘learn to swim’ lessons over Body Jar and Coopers pale ale was interesting none the less).
Anyway, where am I up to now? Oh yes. Working. Too much. Winge. So with all this work, I have money, and with this little bit of extra money I have become way too much of an impulse buyer. But my latest impulse buy was a deffinantly a win. Mentos Blast Gum, it tastes really really fucking good. I was never so much a Hubba Bubba person because after ten minutes what was delicious grape flavour becomes disgusting out-of-flavour-gum/ babies-ass-flavour.
Anyway. Where was I at? Ah gum, yes Gum. So this shit is tasty, and comes with nice novelty packaging. Plus prior to yesterday last time I had this gum I spent the whole day listening to Radiohead, looking at clouds on a trampoline chewing this delicious processed goodness. So I guess it bring back good memories.
Anyway where was I at again? Oh yes. Go and by this shit.