It’s comforting to know that when you google “Joysticks” that actual joysticks come up, sometimes it hard to take a band seriously when they are more well known that what their name represents. (I know there are many exceptions to this eg. The Doors who definitely supersede actual doors) I like bands that are new, not insanely well known. I find, for some reason, it gives them a sense of legitimacy. This Sydney band who describe themselves as “Positive Coherent Indie” may conjure up childhood arcade hours or video games nostalgia but they are much more interesting. Their music is Vampire Weekend-ish, with a bit of rock. They are a happy, peaceful rock and roll. Personally I think they are one of Sydney’s greatest upcoming bands. I saw them perform for Swift Love at Candys Apartment. The show was spectacular, they drew the crowds from the caves and the music loud as usual filled the room, and my ears (I could still hear it for a long time after we left. “Oh Poseidon to Neptune, well I think that’s what I sang anyway). Shea on keyboard bashed away more than chords, and the songs have that amazing ability to make you swing your hips and smile a bit. They played Your House, Radiation and my two favourites Bushfire and Poseidon. They are definitely worth seeing. Seriously!.. EnJOYsticks!
They have a few gigs coming up!
Stalk them on myspace and facebook!.

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