Friday, May 22, 2009

When I younger, so much younger than today, hours and hours could pass by I would just sit out in my back yard on my flimsy swing set trying to fly. My favorite memories were when the Jacaranda tree was in full bloom. I would sit on the swing with my home made wings under this magnificent tree and the carpet of purple blossoms that it left lying dormant on the grass after bloom, and rock to and fro until I reached that point on the swing where I thought I would do a full loop around it’s frame. Once I reached this point where I could feel myself lifting off the chair with the natural force of velocity I would let go and take flight. Well that is hardly the way to describe it, nor was it “falling with style” as Woody from Toy Story once proclaimed. I came crashing to the ground with all too frequently and got winded more times than I can remember (jacaranda flowers look darn pretty but they don’t provide as much padding as my five year old self was so sure they would). However, swings and pain is not the point I am trying to convey here.

The joys of a swing set and fairy wings are very underrated and should not be restricted to childhood (despite the broken bones). I have an abundance of fond memories revolving around a swing set (literally), glitter, and some coat hangers and old pairs of stockings that had been converted into a pair, of you guessed it, fairy wings. A wise man once said that “It's impossible to be unhappy in a poncho.", ok well, Vince Noir said that which makes him neither wise or real, and he’s talking about a poncho not fairy wings, BUT, the same idea applies. It’s impossible to be unhappy when you’re wearing fairy wings and I think more people should wear them on a regular basis.

You’re laughing at the idea? Well think again my cynical friends.

You may come across as an overly seized five year old or a crazy person floats around in the inner west but, god damned it’s fun and I think that steel structured wings should be adopted for all occasions not just birthday parties with swing sets, birthday cake and sprinkles (although if you have these things accessible go crazy). So if you do feel like a bit of nostalgia or just plain craziness this is how to make some fairy wings.

1. Start with two hangers. Cut the hook off down to the point where the wire spiral starts. Then bend the spiral part on one hanger to the right and on the other hanger to the left.
2. Take the two twisted parts and overlap them. Wrap them tightly with duct tape.
3. Bend the hangers into your desired wing shape.
4. Take a pair of stockings. Stretch one over each wing. Pull it tight to the center and then twist the entire set of wings as you hold the end of the nylon. Usually you can then hook it on one of the ends of the wire hanging out.
5. Make the arm bands. To put the elastic loops on, first tie a knot in the elastic so it's a loop, then put it around both top and bottom wing on the right side, and bring the loop through itself between the wings. This is an easy way to put them on without having to sew them.
6. Paint them and voila, now you can fall off swing sets and look mentally insane with style.