Super Ted $2, Looney Tunes: Daffy Duck $2, Annie Hall $4 and Manhattan $4 - I cannot believe I found these Woody films in Vinnies. I squealed a little.

Peter Alexander sweater. So what someone has probably been sleeping in it and its too big. Its fucking comfy. and piiiiiiiiink. $3

oversized shirts are awesome in any shape, form, colour, pattern, etc. $3

I am so in love with this. another squeal inducer. $3

how cool is the religious sticker. I wonder what its for.

pink Glo Mesh wallet $2

Op Shopping can make one a little hungries. perfect hometime snack. coconut cookies, chinese bread, seasme candy
yay for the things I found today. go to - Marrickville Vinnes on Marrickville Rd and U Turn Recycled Fashion also on Mville Rd.
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