He took his inspiration for the famous melting clocks from over ripe Camembert cheese and his works are now showing in the National Gallery of Victoria. Yes it is Salvador Dali, ever controversial and forever a genius. It would be superfluous of me to even begin to describe his brilliance, so I shall leave you with this:
"Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure – that of being Salvador Dali" - If every one adopted this attitude the world would be a better place.
Here is the link to the gold
Sunday, June 28, 2009
There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad - Dali
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Art
Monday, June 22, 2009
petty cash.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 3:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
i want to go back now
When I told people that I was going on a holiday to Vietnam at the end of year 12 many scoffed and retorted with "what's in Vietnam?" or "why would you go there?". Well my uninformed friends, this is some of what Vietnam has to offer and I hope you had a riot hanging out with the police, getting wasted and spewing up in gutters at schoolies on the Gold Coast while I was in "the crown jewel of south east Asia".
photos by Gernott Worther
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: travel
Thursday, June 18, 2009
hopless hotel

Posted by Holly Isemonger at 4:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
a rainy day on a bike in the inner west
It was raining yesterday, and there is nothing I enjoy more than going out, riding around, listening to Radiohead and enjoying that fantastic smell that is produced after rain.
I took a camera with me and below is the result.
Trusty $15 bicycle purchased from Reverse Garbage
These photos were taken on the Cooks river in marrickville near our apartment.
Suburbia is just as pretty
Toy Story anyone? This makes me so happy when I walk past it on the way to the train station.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
These are some chillies that Emma and I have grown on our tiny veranda in our apartment. They are super easy to grow, in fact these ones actually grew out of a milk crate that I snaked from Woolworths, plus they are tastey and verrrrry hot which is good if your a chilli addict like myself.
So go and grow yourself some chillies!
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: foodies
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Cloud Appreciation Society
Yes I am a cloud fiend.
When I wake up and see some spectacular cumulous smiling down at me I know I am in for a good day. I tend to spend way to much time staring at clouds and it quite often results in embarrassing stumbles and/or people thinking I am insane. For a long time I thought the only person who sympathized with this infatuation for "lofty lofty clouds" was the fictional character Prince Andrey of "War and Peace", however, thankfully, I am not alone in my love for clouds. There is a great group on the internet called The Cloud Appreciation society that unites cloud lovers world wide. They have a plethora of fantastic photo's to explore, cloud inspired art, poetry and even their own manifesto which can be seen below:
- We believe that clouds are unjustly maligned and that life would be immeasurably poorer without them.
- We think that they are Nature’s poetry,and the most egalitarian of her displays, since
everyone can have a fantastic view of them. - We pledge to fight ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever we find it.Life would be dull if we had to look up at cloudless monotony day after day.
- We seek to remind people that clouds are expressions of the atmosphere’s moods, and can be read like those of a person’s countenance.
- Clouds are so commonplace that their beauty is often overlooked. They are for dreamers and their contemplation benefits the soul. Indeed, all who consider the shapes they see in them will save on psychoanalysis bills.
And so we say to all who’ll listen:
Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty, and live life with your head in the clouds!"

Posted by Holly Isemonger at 2:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: clouds
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Nintendo’s mascot is a short, pudgy, Italian plumber
Need to save the kingdom defeat the bad guy get the girl at the end?
Now many would think that to achieve all this one must have super video game powers that involve something along the lines of: ultimate-blastoid- awesome- gun - lazar- death stars-fire ball- seismic toss- super-death karate chop-agility-thunder bolt
Well Nintendo laughs in the face of all these hopelessly boring stereotypes.
While Sega’s “Street fighter” was just a bunch of trailer trash giving each other nipple cripples Nintendo was devising a video game team that was nay on unbeatable. And you know why? Because their main characters include an Italian plumber a mushroom and …Well I don’t know what the fuck Yoshi is (after doing a quick Google search on my favourite green- licking- egg shitting character I discovered that he is in fact a dinosaur.). Now that my friends is pure 100% triple distilled awesomeness.
Oh Mario- you were never my favourite character, always the “all rounder” with no specific talent except for speaking like a hideous Italian stereotype and perhaps fixing the people of the Mushroom Kingdom’s toilets as their local plumber. But where would my childhood be with out thee? (Note: probably more educated).
Mario is the Mascot for Nintendo and has appeared in over 200 video games, which is a huge achievement by anyone’s standards. Mario first appeared in the Donkey Kong arcade game and was referred to as “Jumpman”. Apt Yes. However after this first appearance he has since progressed to other skills such as puzzles, racing, sports, fighting, role-playing, educating and even making cameos. For a character that his creator Shigeru Miyamoto expected to be very unpopular he has done very well for himself.
Communicates in a completely tonal manner, which essentially no one can understand except, you guessed it Yoshi, which also means get the fuck out of the way or your gonna get eaten. Then pooped out again as an egg.
Has been described in Wikipedia as “cowardly, but when he does get the courage to step up, he can be tough and overcome his fears”.
Well to that I say: Whatever, you’re a massive winger when you lose at Mario tennis, which is often. Very often.
Global oil crisis- who you gonna call?
Bowser is known as Kuppa in Japan. Miyamoto named him 大魔王 クッパ or “Daimaō Kuppa” meaning "Great Demon King Koopa". Kuppa came from the Japanese name for, gukbap, a Korean dish.
So logically:
Korean food +Nintendo+ Petrol = enemy spiky turtle beast king, yes?
According to Wikipedia “Toad is the general collective name of the "Mushroom People" found in the Mushroom Kingdom, who are a sapient, anthropomorphic race with a peaceful and human, following monarchistic culture.”
Toad is my favourite character, namely because he is a mushroom, however “monarchistic culture”? Communist revolution I say!
The most amazing ghosty ever
Shy Guy
The most amazing masked dude everThis photo blows my mind.
Posted by Holly Isemonger at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: nintendo