Tuesday, May 19, 2009

oh ziney, ziney.

If you are a diy fiend, a communications/writing student or appreciator of the written word you have probably heard that the sydney writers festival is on this week/weekend. there are alot of interesting and free (except for miss Greer, i hear some people are paying the $30 plus ticket price just to heckle, and others are forking out the same just to hear her, well, own them.) little seminars, readings etc to attend. If you are too see anything at all i highly suggest you hit up the zine fair at the mca. do it. there will be much self - published goodness, people to chat to and swap with and live music. I am kinda excited to hear culture club's Craig Shuftan and zine queen Vanessa Berry's little talks. programs are avaliable at the venue.
What: MCA Zine Fair
When: Sunday 24th May 11am - 6pm
Where: Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney, Circular Quay
vanessa berry world